Mémoire de l’Avenir - at the invitation of CIPSH and the World Logic Day with UNESCO-Most, propose to reflect, via the Humanities, Arts and Society [HAS] project and Magazine on Creativity as asset in logical thinking and cognitive development.
HAS is an initiative by UNESCO-Most, CIPSH, GCACS, and Mémoire de l'Avenir which also lead the project.
Humanities, Arts and Society demonstrate the impact of the arts in society, promoting global understanding and collaboration between creativity and logic. So, to establish a worldwide movement of artists and scholars, contributing to the debate within the humanities, regarding universal issues.
With creativity and imagination humans offer sense to accumulated facts, building knowledge.
Creativity and the arts are reflections of the mind and its functioning—observing, recognizing, and rationalizing, using resourcefulness with imagination to revolutionize, transform, propose, act, and advance, while forming philosophies, laws, ethics, aesthetics.
Creativity is the feature that favour access to knowledge and to the understanding of principles, connecting problems with emerging solutions, encouraging cross-world information and comprehension, enhance participation and collaboration beyond boundaries—on issues such as education, environmental consciousness, global ethics…
The Arts and culture are powerful mediators also in the constitution of social realities and of individual and singular mindsets.
One of the main issues that the Humanities, Arts and Society (HAS) project is to explore together the interdependent relationship between Sciences and Creativity.
MDA-HAS dedicated a whole issue of investigation between the culture of Big Data and the fundamental need for Creativity as the phenomena of Singularities.
Through this examination between Big Data and Singularities HAS is aiming to demonstrate how Creativity is a Basis for Re-thinking the Human Condition.
Creativity is fundamental to logic, to cognitive development as to all social transformation. Creativity is the basis for critical thinking and for learning: While Big Data sets reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and to the interactions between humans and the world.
Logic and Cognitive setting offer faculties, tools and opportunities to improve actions and decision-making, serving all fields of development, including government, education, communication, ecology, Hence, the Arts and Cultures reflect the ongoing research into the world’s wonders and of human nature, inventing languages, creating and transmitting culture.
The arts do not replace science and are not reducible to the concerns of the sciences, but they participate in the process of developing the creativity, the imagination of new futures, of diversity and of critical thinking.
Luiz Oosterbeek – Director of HAS Magazine
We share with you for this first World Logic Day, a selection of these first investigations by various contributors presented in the first issue of the HAS magazine "Big Data and Singularities". The journal proposes various scientific and theoretical reflections as well as analyses, artworks and creative practices.
We invite you to discover the entire first issue of the HAS journal free of charge and in three languages on our website humanitiesartsandsociety.org.
Enjoy reading!