In 2016, I got cancer.
For a year, I wrote to my friends to inform them and sometimes make them laugh with my story of being sick.
But no one knows where the crab is taking us...
Bernard-Pierre Molin
Bulletin de santé - Un podcast cancéreux
Podcast only available in French
In 2020, an author, an actor and a musician transformed these hospital emails into a documentary and musical narrative.
TEXT: Bernard-Pierre Molin
A repentant publicist and former editor of the Guide du Routard, he writes scripts, whether fictional, documentary or institutional, and also works for museum films. He is the author of culturo-rigolo books on the history or Latin through the world of Asterix (Edition du Chêne / EPA).
SOUND : David Ouvry
Trained as a percussionist, he still teaches drums. Co-founder and producer of the group Junesex (2003-2011), he composes a lot of music for institutional films. Passionate about electro-acoustics, he develops several sound storytelling projects.
VOICE: Pascal Rénéric
After studying improvisation and engineering, he finally entered the Conservatoire National d'Art Dramatique de Paris. In the theater, he has been seen directed by Jacques Lassale, Cyril Teste, Vincent Macaigne, Macha Makeïef, Georges Lavaudant, Denis Podalydès and Pascal Rambert. He also appears in a few films, and always seems to be up for new projects.
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