From the antiquity to the present day, the relationship between the two sexes is described as complementary, both in the "natural order" and in the roles they have attributed to themselves over time, and as two dissimilar forces. and therefore contradictory, at the same time.
The exhibition Madam call I call you sir?... - Yes sir you may, and I will call you madam presents 10 multidisciplinary artistic projects (photography, video, installation, sculpture, performances ...) questioning the feminine / masculine relationships, as the place of the woman in the different societies, in the private sphere as in public.
Different thinking about physical, social and cultural differences between the genders has shaped social, political and philosophical patterns around the world. These seemingly outdated models, have also contributed to gender segregation, and empowered men to take power over most aspects of women's lives and roles.
In France only 60 years ago women were living under the yoke of patriarchal thought, and could neither work without the permission of their husbands, nor have a checkbook, nor vote, as well reminded by Sylvie's Gravagna's piece in the exhibition ...
The Progressive and Feminist thinking in the fields of philosophy, the social sciences and humanities, as well as in the LGBT movements have largely contributed to stop reducing women to a secondary "role" of "reproductive".
Today, man and woman are, like the Humanity as a whole, different and complementary at once. They are Feminine / Masculine as the two parts that constituent each and every being, while offered the possibility of claiming to be one and / or the other.